1820 - 1907 (87 years)
Name |
August Eisenmenger |
- A well-know artist that painted the frieze in the Austria Parliament Building in Vienna
Birth |
11 Feb 1820 |
Vienna AT |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
6 Dec 1907 |
Vienna AT |
Notes |
(translated by Ernst Weber)
History painter, born February 11, 1820 in Vienna, died there on December 6, 1907. At the age of 15, he enrolled in the Akademie (Viennese Academy of Painting) but interrupted his studies in 1848 to join Karl Rahl and his atelier, who was in bitter competition with Carl von Blaas, who had received the order for the frescoes at the Vienna Arsenal in 1859. In his fight against Blaas, Rahl's other students Griepenkerl, Bitterlich, Lotz, Gaul, Fblix joined with Eisenmenger. On the other hand, the close friendship of Rahi with Theodor von Hansen was very fortunate because Hansen was very fortunate because Hansen directed many large commissions for monuments after Rahl's death to his students. Eisenmenger who was valued as the best student of Rala and who also was unquestioned master of wax mold painting, received the most important commissions. The first assignment was the decoration of the front entrance of the "Heinrichshof" with allegories and festoons using the last named technique; these paintings have been preserved rather well. In 1890 followed the ceiling frescoes (Apollo and the 9 Muses) in the large hall of the Musikverein, and then in the newly built City Hall of Vienna a depiction of the expansion of the city (beyond the raised city walls) and the apotheosis of "Austria". 1872 to 1874 followed the 12 frieze medallions in the Austrian Museum of Art and Industry, as well as the frieze "The Taming of Nature's Power by the Graces" in the Court staircase of the Court Theater (State Theater). Very remarkable are his ceiling frescoes in the Palais Gutmann (child presentations of the twelve months), the frescoes (The Graces and Peace) in the staircase of The Palais Tietz on the Schottenring, paintings from the life of Maximilian I and Leopold von Babenberg for the Chateau Hornstein of Archduke Leopold. 1878 he achieved his greatest success with the Aesop curtain for the theater in Augsburg, on which be memorialized his teacher Rahi in a Portrait.
1881 he created the "Triumph of Justice" a large cyclic frieze for the Palace of Justice; the "Development of the Modern Government" in the Parliament and as the last large commission a series of 50 medallions in the "Antique" halls of the Museum of Art History. Eisenmenger had also been successfully active as portraitist (portrait of Johann Strauss in the Museum of History of the city Vienna, and of Minister Duke Leo Thun, portrait in the possession of the Austrian Ministry for Education). For the Church of the Scots (Schottenkirche) he painted two altar portraits (Saint Benedict and Saint Gregor). He also created the design of Austrian banc note of 1 Gulden. Since 1872 be had been Professor of the Vienna Academy and director of a Master class of History painters and had a number of excellent students, all outstanding in the use of color. In 1901 he retired. He has been the last representative of that exceptional era who under Hansen, Ferstel, Schmidt, Rahl, Makart have created the new Vienna.
Person ID |
I29 |
Flack Genealogy |
Last Modified |
21 Jun 2023 |
 | August Eisenmenger Self-portrait as a young man |
 | August Eisenmenger
 | Vienna Parliament Building - The former chamber of the House of Representatives Friezes by August Eisenmenger - depictions of the history of the emergence of civic life |
 | Vienna Parliament Building - The former chamber of the House of Representatives 15 Frieze Panels on the front wall by August Eisenmenger
(Panel topics - Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austrian_Parliament_Building)
The friezes above were painted by August Eisenmenger and depict the history of the emergence of civic life. Starting from left to right it shows:
1. Kampf der Kentauren und Lapithen (Battle of the Centaurs and Lapithes)
2. Minos richtet nach eigenem Ermessen (Minos judges according to his own discretion)
3. Einsetzung der Volksvertretung in Sparta (Swearing-in of the representatives of Sparta)
4. Brutus verurteilt seine Söhne (Brutus condemns his sons)
5. Menenius Agrippa versöhnt die Stände (Menenius Agrippa reconciles the estates)
6. Sophokles im Wettkampf mit Aischylos (Sophokles in competition with Aischylos)
7. Sokrates auf dem Markte von Athen (Sokrates visiting the market of Athens)
8. Anordnung der Prachtbauten durch Perikles (The order of the representative buildings through Pericles. Note: the head of Pericles actually has the features of Baron Theophil von Hansen)
9. Herodot in Olympia
10. Plato lehrt die Gesetze (Plato teaches law)
11. Demosthenes redet zum Volke (Demosthenes addresses the people)
12. Decius Mus weiht sich dem Tode (Decius Mus dedicates himself to death)
13. Caius Gracchus auf der Rednertribüne (Caius Gracchus holds a speech from the speaker's platform)
14. Solon läßt die Athener auf die Gesetze schwören (Solon has the Athenians swear on the laws)
15. der Friede (Peace)
 | Portrait of Johann Strauss Portrait by August Eisenmenger |
Documents |
 | AUGUST EISENMENGER - 1859 Membership Certification to Eintracht Der Künstlervezein Eintracht* beurkundet
hiermit die Aufnahme des Herrn
August Eisenmenger, Maler
als wirkl. Mitglied.
Wien, den 19 März 1859
The artists' association Eintracht* certified
hereby the reception of the Lord
August Eisenmenger, painter
than real Member.
Vienna, 19 Mar 1859
(signatures and embossed seal)
(Google translation to English)
* In 1861 Vienna Künstlerhaus merged with another artists' society, Eintracht, to form a new association representing Viennese painters, sculptors and architects: the Vienna Artists' Society. In 1868 the society moved into its current premises.
Source - Wikipedia 21 Jun 2023: Vienna Künstlerhaus |
 | AUGUST EISENMENGER - 1870 Induction to the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Die k.k. Akademie der bildenden Künste
hat in der Rathsfitzung am 2 April 1870
herrn August Eisenmenger
zum wirklichen Mitgliede erwahlt und
Seine kaiferliche königliche apostolische Magestät
haben diefe Wahl mit allerhörhster Entschliefzung
von 24 April 1870 Allergnädigft zu bestätigen gernht.
Der Direktor der Akademie
Wien den 8 Mai 1870
Der Präsident der Akademir
The Academy of Fine Arts
has in the council on 2 Apr 1870
Mr. August Eisenmenger
elected full member and
His Imperial Royal Apostolic Magesty
have this choice with the highest resolution
from 24 April 1870 Kindly to confirm.
Vienna, 8 May 1870
(signatures & embossed seal)
The Director of the Academy
The President of the Academy
(Google translation to English) |
Headstones |
 | August Eisenmenger Headstone Eisenmenger family grave site, Vienna AT. Anna (Annie) Eisenmenger probable grave site as well. Until May 2018, cemetery records incorrectly listed Annie as "Nina". Corrected through the efforts of Lea Nickless of the Wolsonian Museum in Miami FL while doing research on the ceramic artist Annie. |