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 | Eleanor Charles Nora at 6 months taking a bath (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Sophie
Date: 13 Feb 2018
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 | Ellen Cassedy (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
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 | Elliana Flack (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
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 | Elliot and Rosel Schewel
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 | Elliot Schewel
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 | Emme Ferris Forman (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
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 | Emme Forman (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Date: Oct 2019
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 | Ernst Weber Ernst Weber (September 6, 1901 in Vienna, Austria – February 16, 1996 in Columbus, North Carolina), Austria-born American electrical engineer, was a pioneer in microwave technologies and played an important role in the history of the Polytechnic Institute of New York University, where in 1945 he founded the Microwave Research Institute (later renamed the Weber Research Institute in his honor). Weber was also the first president of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and one of the founders of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering (NAE)
59 |
 | Evelyn & Len Forman
Owner of original: Frances Forman
Date: 21 May 1995
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 | Ezra Hurst-Hiller In family bed with newly born Silas (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Date: 2017
61 |
 | Family wedding photo of Elaine Forman and Maurice Tobias This is a family photo from the wedding of Elaine Forman and Maurice Tobias-June 29, 1952. Also pictured are Sarah Katzen Forman, Morris Forman, Leonard Forman, Rosalind Michelson Forman, Robert Forman, Fran Forman and Sadie Karpa Tobias. There are other relatives pictured that are from the Tobias side of the family.
Owner of original: Elaine Forman Tobias
Place: Shaarei Zion Synagogue
62 |
 | Fanny Forman Mauer 5th born daughter of Isaac & Celia Forman
Owner of original: Nancy Sall
63 |
 | Four Generation of Forman's. This picture was taken sometime in late 1979. It is four generations of Forman's. Standing on the left is Robert(Bob) Forman and his father Leonard Forman on the right. Seated is mother, grandmother and great-grandmother Sarah Katzen Forman, holding a newborn Rosha Forman.
Owner of original: Elaine Forman Tobias
Date: Nov 1979
64 |
 | Fran and Beulah Hodge
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 | Fran Forman
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 | Fran Forman & Betty Bledy On front steps of Anna Saller (grandmother)
Date: 1948
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 | Fran Hodge
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 | Fran Hodge
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 | Fran resembles her great grandmother Celia Fran recalls that "Pepa" (Morris Forman) would wrap a scarf around her head, and with her cheeks between his hands and some tears, declare how she looked like his mother Celia. Fran was mostly annoyed at her disheveled hair.
Owner of original: Fran Forman
Date: 4 Jul 2023
70 |
 | Gene Feinblatt
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 | Gene Feinblatt Irv was my friend for many years ...
Owner of original: Irv Blum - A Heart of Wisdom, published 1993
Date: c. 1993
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 | Greta Eisenmenger and Uncle Hermann Pfaundler Greta (teenager) and Great Uncle Hermann in Oetz AT
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 | Greta Eisenmenger Neelsen
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 | Hamp Heard
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 | Hamp Heard - Lt Col USAF Pilot Hamp transferred from one continent to the other for twenty years. His squadron made on a record breaking secret mission to the Middle East for active combat duty in the 1990 “Desert Shield” -a war waged by coalition forces from 35 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait. Hamp was also stationed in South Korea. After 20 years of life as a fighter pilot, Hamp retired to become a pilot with Delta Airlines stationed in his “hub” Orlando FL.
Date: 1990 c.
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 | Hamp Heard on horse
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 | Hannah Forman Cassedy (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Date: 1994 - age: 8
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 | Harry Chotiner (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: NYU website
Date: Mar 2019
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 | Hermann Pfaundler
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 | Hertha Eisenmenger Swarthmore, senior 1938 yearkbook photo
Date: 1938
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 | Hertha Eisenmenger
Owner of original: YNS 1941 Yearbook Photo
Date: 1941
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 | Hertha Eisenmenger Hertha as teenager in Oetz AU
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 | Hertha Eisenmenger Flack A commissioned oil portrait by artist Richard Christian Nelson. The painting was done to send to San Francisco for a large family wedding since she cannot make the trip herself.
Date: 2013
84 |
 | Hilary Ferris White Wedding picture at Indian Creek, Calistoga
Date: 2017
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 | Hilde Eisenmenger 1930 ranked tennis player
Owner of original: http://www.bildarchivaustria.at/Pages/ImageDetail.aspx?p_iBildID=1086720
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 | Hugo Eisenmenger
Date: c. 1925
Place: Vienna AT
48.2081743, 16.3738189
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 | Hugo Eisenmenger
Date: c. 1910
Place: Vienna AT
48.2081743, 16.3738189
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 | Hugo Eisenmenger ca. 1949 Portrait sent to Jim and Betsy Flack in 1992 with daughter Greta Neelsen's description: My father was ... rigid in his lifestyle, locked into an exotic past, unable to come to terms with life in the New World. He was a gifted engineer from a well connected Viennese family: his brother was the personal physician to Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand, heir apparent to the Austrian throne. A footloose bachelor until he was 38, father was a well traveled witty cosmopolite. He had worked a few years in the Sudan, then in Yokohama, and was transferred to the United States in 1913.
Date: ca. 1949
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 | Irv Blum
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 | Irv Blum Grandkids Group photo in supplement to "Irv Blum, A Heart of Wisdom" (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: Irv Blum, A Heart of Wisdom
Date: c. 1993
91 |
 | Isaac & Celia Forman's children - Morris and 5 sisters Group photo, Morris, is the "baby" in the family.
Daughters (from oldest to youngest): Anna Jacobs, Jenny Clitzner, Samantha Gerber, Rebecca Draun and Fanny Maurer
(hover/click on faces for name tags)
18 Feb 2020 Nancy Tobias Sall email to Robert Flack, names written on backside of photo.
Owner of original: Nancy Sall
92 |
 | Isaac Forman Zayde with Len & Elaine
Owner of original: Frances Forman
Date: Unk
93 |
 | James Flack I ca. 1940
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 | James Monroe Flack James Monroe Flack, business executive 1946-1974. Served as lieutenant Commander United States Navy, 1942-1945. Died 6/16/1989 of a heart attack at 75 years while on tour in Moscow with Tah. At his death left spouse (Hertha), 4 children and 10 grandchildren.
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 | Jeff Blum (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
Owner of original: LinkedIn page
96 |
 | Jennifer Bonnell
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 | Jenny Forman Clitzner 2nd born daughter of Isaac & Celia Forman
Owner of original: Nancy Sall
98 |
 | Jerry and Melinda Koethe
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 | Jerry Koethe
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 | Jesse James Flack